Building a large factory will bring about both benefits and harmful impacts on my community. In my opinion, advantages of a new factory outweigh disadvantages. Therefore, I definitely support the new factory plan in my community.
As a threshold matter, there will be numerous benefits of constructing a new factory in my community. For instance, the new factory will surely offers considerable opportunities of jobs -- such as cleaners, workers, managers, and so forth, which may ease the pressure of job market. A lot of folks may find their ideal positions in this factory. Besides, tax revenue from the factory will also supplement local government's income. As a result, statesmen would have more money to budget their financial plans. For instance, education system of our community will be the right beneficiary of the factory, because tax revenue from the factory can be spent in ameliorating facilities of community colleges and providing positions with high salary which may enslave quantity of outstanding professors to work in local colleges. Furthermore, the factory will certainly arouse other businesses appear in my community -- for example, hospitals, restaurants, plazas, and so forth, which will boom economy of my community.
Nevertheless, certain disadvantages of constructing a new factory do exist. Especially, some of them may be extremely devastating. Take potential pollution. As a common sense, a factory releases large quantities of wastes, such as polluted water, poisonous gases, and etc, as by-products while it produces merchandises. These wastes may induce towards severe disasters in my community. Polluted water may cause intestinal diseases and stomach cancer; poisonous gases will lead to respiratory diseases which makes quality of life decrease. Moreover, the factory generates loud noises as well, which is especially intolerable during night. Residents' sleep may be disturbed and they do not have enough energy to face daylight work.
When it comes to make a decision about whether to support or oppose the factory, I would like to support the factory plan. There are several reasons to name. Firstly, the factory will bring a excellent opportunity to economy of our community. Local folks will benefit from the plan from the long run time. Secondly, since technology today has developed to a quite high level, I deeply believe that political leaders and managers of the factory will find right ways to solve potential problems caused by the factory. For instance, they may adopt new waste disposing methods to reduce harmful effects of wasted water to the lowest point. Gases will also be carefully cleaned before releasing into the air. Thus, advantages far outweigh disadvantages of the factory.
In summary, there are both benefits and harmful effects that the factory will bring about. In my view, the factory will contribute a lot to our community in future time. Then, it the final analysis, I support the factory plan.